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Four Ways to Use Tablets to Foster Early Maths Development

One of the most important skills children need to develop is the ability to work with numbers and count. But how can a child learn these concepts? In order to help promote early learning and improve those skills, here are four ways that tablets could be used in preschool settings.

1. Use Tablet Features

Tablets come with many features that can help teach maths skills. Counting games, word games, and even interactive books help preschoolers build these critical skills.

For example, apps such as Thinkrolls: Number Logic or Akai Numbers teach children number identification and quantity ideas. These numbers concepts are the basis for being able to count and work with numbers in a later stage of development. Encouraging preschoolers to build these skills will help them later in school when they learn more advanced math concepts.

2. Selectively Employ Games

The fact that tablets offer so many games is a double-edged sword. While many of the games on tablets can help build important skills, some of them are not educational at all. For example, often times you will come across puzzle games or even action games that are not going to help build maths skills. If you want to use a tablet in your preschool setting, you should only have your child play educational games that will actually help develop their maths skills.

3. Make Them Understand the Concepts

When a child plays a game on their tablet, they are often encouraged to interact with the characters or do tasks. These types of games will help children understand maths concepts involved in those activities. For example, playing Fruit Ninja with preschoolers can help them understand how to count and work with quantities in their everyday lives. Using structured games to teach math is one way that tablets could be used in preschools.

4. Leverage Digital Tools for Teacher Use

Many tablets offer multiple features that teachers can use. These tools can include instructional apps, interactive whiteboards, and even calculators. If you want to be able to encourage maths skills in your preschool setting, you should utilize these tools. For example, instead of giving a child a calculator to do their maths work with each day, you could show them how to find the answer by using this tool.

Using tablets for early math learning is just one way that schools are introducing technology for learning. However, providing learning experiences that match what children need will help them learn best and retain information better. If you are searching for Childcare near me, childcare Leicester, Daycare near me, daycare centre or daycare Leicester, visit Play Days Academy.

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